Monday, May 21, 2012

Citation for Blog #1

Carpenter, Trudy G., William L. Brown, and Randall C. Hickman. “Influences of Online Delivery on Developmental Writing Outcomes.” Journal of Developmental Education 28.1 (2004): 14-35. Print.


  1. Mark,

    I found this article to be interesting, since the data should that the students that stay in the class did well. I will add this to my conference paper and the community analysis paper. Have you taught online courses for developmental students? If so, I would like to know any of your recommendations for the novice online instructor. I would like to try after I finish my course work at ODU. Thanks Pat

  2. Hi, Patricia! I have not taught online classes for developmental students--I've been one of those people who are skeptical of them for that population. But this article made me think. I am going to try for a hybrid approach to my developmental section next semester and see what happens!
